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  • Approved by AICTE, Conferred Autonomous status by UGC , Permanent Affiliation to JNTUK, Kakinada , Accredited by NAAC with A+ grade and Accredited by NBA for UG courses in ECE, CSE and Agricultural Engineering
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  • International Conference on Advances in Engineering and Medical Sciences is scheduled on April 19-20,2024
  • NAAC Sponsored Seminar on 11th and 12th August, 2023
  • Received Permanent Affiliation Letter from Vice Chancellor, JNTUK
  • Kancharlapalli Mounika got best performs award from PEGA and also Prize money of 250$
  • Down Load e-Books from AICTE e KUMBH Portal ( )
  • ISTS is proud to announce that we got Accreditation for all the programs by NBA.
  • ISTS student from Department of CSE placed in Infosys with 9.5 Lakhs pay package.
  • ISTS got Certificate of Appreciation from APSCHE.
  • ISTS is proud to announce that we have been awarded A+ with 3.37 CGPA by the NAAC.

To INCULCATE the Global Standards of Excellence in Nurturing the Women Engineers in Building the Bench Mark of Women Empowerment with Acclaimed Technical Education, Research Embedded with Community Orientation Activities.

We at ISTS Committed to:

Contribution to National Development New Programs, Courses as per need, Research Innovation Cell, Skill Development Through Industry and academia Linkages, Extension Activities
Fostering Global Competencies Soft Skill Training
Competence enhancement for pursuing Higher Studies
Entrepreneurial development, Value based Education
Inculcating Value System in Students Foundation Course
Yoga, Regional, National Celebrations, Extra-Curricular activities
Mentoring System
Committees and Clubs (Technical and Non Technical)
Promoting Use of Technology ICT Enabled Classes-Resources
e-Learning facilities
Results and info in Website and Social Media
Participation in National level Competitions
Quest for Excellence Continual Improvement
Innovative, Best Practices
IQAC – Quality Parameters

ISTS Quality Policy

To INCULCATE the Global Standards of Excellence in Nurturing the Women Engineers in Building the Bench Mark of Women Empowerment with Acclaimed Technical Education, Research Embedded with Community Orientation Activities.

We are committed to create quality Women professionals to meet the emerging industrial and social needs through.

  • Innovative Teaching
  • Industrial Interaction
  • Placing faith in Human Values

Innovative Teaching Methodology

The College consists of dedicated, qualified and experienced faculty and supporting staff in various fields of Engineering. All the staff members meet the requirements as prescribed by AICTE and JNTUK, Kakinada. Various pedagogical activities have been followed by the faculty for the student in order to create interest over the subjects and the developing technologies.

The following are the various teaching methodologies used in different aspects for the delivery of course:

  1. Lecture Method and Interactive Learning:
    • Audio-visual aids, chalk, and board are used by the faculty for teaching.
    • Students are encouraged to clarify their doubts, during the lecture hour itself.
    • Tutorial Sessions for Problem-Oriented subjects are done by two faculty members.
    • During the lecture hour, first 5 minutes are used for revising topics taught in the previous class that too done by the students (Collaborative learning) and the last 5 minutes is used to give a summary of the current class. Hence the students will get continuity of the previous day topics.
  2. Experimental Learning:
  3. Experiential learning is an engaged learning process whereby students “learn by doing” and by reflecting on the experience. Experiential learning activities can include, but are not limited to, hands-on laboratory experiments, internships, practicums, field exercises, undergraduate research and studio performances.

    Well-planned, supervised and assessed experiential learning programs can stimulate academic inquiry by promoting interdisciplinary learning, civic engagement, career development, cultural awareness, leadership, and other professional and intellectual skills.

    Learning that is considered “experiential” contain all the following elements:

    • Reflection, critical analysis and synthesis.
    • Opportunities for students to take initiative, make decisions, and be accountable for the results.
    • Opportunities for students to engage intellectually, creatively, emotionally, socially, or physically.
    • A designed learning experience that includes the possibility to learn from natural consequences, mistakes, and successes.
  4. Application Based Learning:
    • Students are encouraged to attend workshops from 2nd year onwards. As an outcome of the workshop, interested students will develop Projects/ mini Projects at the end of the workshop.
    • All third-year students are encouraged to do mini projects and are asked to submit the same before the commencement of exams.
    • Students are encouraged for an internship in the industry during vacations.
    • Students are taken to industrial visit at least once a semester to see the real-time operation.
    • Involving the students in Various coding and testing contest like TCS Testimony and TCS Code vita Contest.
  5. Practical Learning:
    • Practical exercises are taught in the laboratory.
    • Virtual Lab Exercises are given to the students.
    • In addition to the experiments given in the syllabus, students are instructed to practice additional experiments as suggested by the concerned by the faculty.
    • Software’s like Android Studio, My-Sql Xilinx, Matlab, Tomcat, JAVA, CAD/CAM, Oracle, Net Beans, Eclipse, Argo UML are used in the development of applications.
    • Laboratories are accessible for the students during the scheduled periods and also during leisure hours for doing experiments.
    • Charts are displayed in laboratories through which the students can gain a basic idea about different Software packages.
    • Students are taken to the industries through industrial visit through that acquiring the knowledge about the real-time applications.
  6. Hi-tech classroom:
    • All classrooms are equipped with projector facility
    • All laboratories and classrooms have Wi-Fi access with air-conditioned facility.
  7. Other Innovative Teaching methods adopted by the faculty
    • Real-Time Demonstration – Models are displayed in laboratories.
    • Industry Projects– Students are encouraged and guided by faculty members to do real time projects in various industries during their final semester.
    • Online courses – Online courses are being conducted through NPTEL online courses and google classrooms so that students can post and clear their doubts at any time without hesitation and can download course materials.
    • E-Resources – students can download Course Material, Syllabus, Question bank, Assignment topics, Short videos, NPTEL video links. From college Website
  8. Other Innovative Teaching methods adopted by the faculty
  9. As a professional college ISTS gives the students maximum exposure to the industry to have latest knowledge and information of the area. To make the students acquainted with the industrial working procedure and the practical application of their gained knowledge we organize many programs in association with industries. Different seminars and workshops are arranged which are taken by the professional engineers or experts in the industry. Along with these industrial tours, interaction with industry people etc. is also arranged to make the students aware of today’s industrial needs.

  10. Objectives Of III – CELL
    • To improve the employability of students.
    • To impart more practical exposure to students.
    • To improve the capability of students and teachers to apply the theory into practice.
    • To make students conversant with the industry culture.
    • To make students industry ready immediately after the completion of the course.
    • To up-grade faculty with latest technologies.
  11. Functions Of III – CELL
    • To arrange industry visits.
    • To bring live projects for the students.
    • Problem statements for faculty / students.
    • To arrange Faculty Development Programs.
    • To arrange for expert lectures.
    • To arrange for students summer internship programs.
    • Fund raising through industry live projects.
Remedial Classes

The objective of remedial teaching at ISTS is to give additional help to students who, for one reason or another, have fallen behind the rest of the class in difficult engineering subjects Engg Drawing, BEE, Mathematics etc.

Some of them may be unable to organize their perceptions or to comprehend engineering ideas and concepts. Some may have poor memory, poor level of motivation, short span of attention or associated behavioral problems. Above all, owing to encounters of failure they tend to have low aspirations and low expectations of themselves.

Sometimes most of the learning difficulties of the students in remedial classes are not necessarily student related but are relative to the context where the learning is taking place, such as the family background of the child, parent support and the students’ peer groups.

At ISTS, the remedial faculty understand thoroughly the strengths and weaknesses of these students so that appropriate teaching approaches can be adopted to meet their individual needs. With proper remedial help and the use of stimulating teaching strategies, closer supervision and more individual attention, the students’ interest in learning is aroused and help them make better progress.

The ultimate aim of ISTS remedial teaching is to help students who have fallen behind to learn to the best of their ability and to bring them back into the mainstream classes as soon as possible.

Tutorial classes

ISTS gives tutorial classes for tough subjects and helps students understand difficult concepts and problems.

The faculty discusses, material from lectures and clarify the student queries on theory and problems. The students solve multiple questions to improve their grasp on the subject. Weak Students are given individual attention in tutorial classes that aid the student in understanding the subject better.

Bridge courses

The objective of bridge course is to fill the gap in the curriculum studied by the student. It also includes courses on latest technology that are not part of the current curriculum.

Bridge courses are regularly conducted in ISTS for the Diploma students and some other students to help them understand like mathematics or coding subjects that lateral entry students would have not come across such subjects and find them difficult. The faculty teach these subjects specially for such students and ensure they understand and excel in the exams.

During their four years of journey through the under graduate engineering programme, students often need mentoring, guidance and counselling from a loving elderly figure. Direct academic issues e.g. selection of electives can be easily communicated to the student. But finer nuances e.g. career options or fear of a subject/course need greater involvement of the mentor. Obviously, a student should have the same mentor all through the four years of his journey.

A similar system as discussed above, namely Faculty Advisor exists in this college since 2005. To improve the institute’s present endeavour towards academic quality up gradation in line with NBA/NAAC guidelines, it has become necessary to redefine/reform the existing system. The new system, when practiced diligently will immensely contribute in improvement of the overall academic quality. The students will be greatly benefited by continuous expert guidance.

Mentoring System: The new process has been established as Mentoring System. Each faculty will be the mentor of a group of 20 to 25 students. First year students will have mentors from the department of Basic Engineering & Science and second, third, fourth year students will have mentors from the parent department. Departmental faculties will continue to be mentors for the same group of students till their graduation.

Responsibilities: The mentor will perform the following functions. The list of course cannot be exclusive. A mentor can always do more for the benefit of the students.

  1. Meet the group of students at least twice a month.
  2. Continuously monitor, counsel, guide and motivate the students in all academic matters.
  3. Advise students regarding choice of electives, project, summer training etc.
  4. Contact parents/guardians if situation demands e.g. academic irregularities, negative behavioral changes and interpersonal relations, detrimental activities etc.
  5. Advise students in their career development/professional guidance.
  6. Keep contact with the students even after their graduation.
  7. Intimate HOD and suggest if any administrative action is called for.
  8. Maintain a detail progressive record of the student
  9. Maintain a brief but clear record of all discussions with students.

HOD: The HOD will,

  1. Meet all mentor of their department at least once a month to review proper implementation of the system
  2. Advice mentors wherever necessary.
  3. Initiate administrative action on a student when necessary.
  4. Keep the head of the institute informed.

Academic committee: Institute’s academic committee will discuss mentoring related issues at least twice in a semester during its meetings and revise/upgrade the system if necessary.

International School of Technology and Sciences for Women is emphasizing towards enhancement of enhancing the institutional ambience to better serve the needs of an ever-changing and dynamic learning community. Effective mentoring begins with the faculty and depends on the healthy relationship between faculty and students. Department assign faculties (acts as faculty advisors) for providing guidance for each year during admission till the graduation for same batch. The faculty advisors perform the following functions:

To maintain personal details of the students including their address, contact numbers, overall academic performance and progress. It will help the Faculty Advisor in monitoring the academic growth of the students. It will also help the College in tracer studies of the alumni.

  • To advise the students regarding choice of electives, projects, summer training, etc.
  • To counsel and motivate the students in all academic matters-direct or indirect.
  • To guide the students in taking up extra academic and professional activities for value addition as a member of the society.
  • To contact the parents / guardians of the students in case of their academic irregularities, behavioral changes, etc., through the Head of the Department or College.
  • To advise Principal / AO of the College in matters of leave of absence, official recommendation etc.
  • To advise the students in matters of their career.

The faculty monitors their progress and reports to teacher-in-charge. This mentoring is for overall development of the student. Faculty advisor meets the students frequently and discusses various issues including class room lectures, laboratory performances, participation of seminar / conferences and technical event, any academic difficulty faced and career development.

The faculty monitors their progress and reports to teacher-in-charge. This mentoring is for overall development of the student. Faculty advisor meets the students frequently and discusses various issues including class room lectures, laboratory performances, participation of seminar / conferences and technical event, any academic difficulty faced and career development.

Professional Guidance – Regarding professional goals, selection of career, higher education.
Career advancement – Regarding self-employment opportunities, entrepreneurship
development, morale, honesty, Human Values and integrity required for career growth.
Course work specific – Regarding attendance and performance in present semester and overall performance in the previous semester.
Lab specific – regarding Dos and Don’ts in the lab.